Find Assets Without Category Assignments
  • 13 Mar 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Find Assets Without Category Assignments

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Article summary

All assets on the Syniti Knowledge Platform Catalog Overview dashboard have a count of assets that have not yet been assigned to a category. Assets that are not assigned to categories may be difficult to retrieve on search, and ensuring all assets are assigned to categories makes governance easier.

To locate asserts without category assignments:

  1. Select Dashboards from the Home menu.

  2. Select Syniti Knowledge Platform - Catalog Overview from the Syniti Dashboard list box.

  3. Click a tab for an asset.

  4. Click the filter icon on the No Categories card.


    Assets that are not assigned to a category display in the asset Details chart.

  5. Click the Asset ID to access the asset and assign it to a category.

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