Find Assets Without Owner Assignment or with Inactive Users
  • 13 Mar 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Find Assets Without Owner Assignment or with Inactive Users

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Article summary

Being able to identify assets without assigned Owners and assets assigned to inactive users allows you to ensure resources are properly allocated.

To find assets without Owners on the Overview tab:

  1. Select Dashboards from the Home menu.

  2. Select Syniti Knowledge Platform - Catalog Overview from the Syniti Dashboard list box.

  3. In the Total Assets by Owner chart, click Unassigned, or click the name of a user with (Inactive) at the end.

  4. View the list of assets in the detail chart below.

  5. Click a tab for an asset.

  6. Assign the asset to a user as needed.

To find assets without Owners on an asset tab:

  1. Select Dashboards from the Home menu.

  2. Select Syniti Knowledge Platform - Catalog Overview from the Syniti Dashboard list box.

  3. Click a tab for an asset.

  4. Click the filter icon on the No Owners card.

  5. View the list of assets that are not assigned to active users in the asset Details chart, including those with (Inactive) after their names. .

  6. Click the Asset ID to access the asset and assign an active user to it.

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