Maintain Tables and Fields
  • 17 Oct 2024
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Maintain Tables and Fields

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Article summary

This topic contains the following sections:

About Maintaining Tables and Fields

Datasets represent a functional group of Data Elements which make up a Transaction in an ERP System. Complex datasets, like Material or Customers, contain dozens of elements, or fields, which must be populated by the users when creating or maintaining these objects. The process of defining technical fields which make up a dataset begins with identifying the underlying database tables and importing all the fields along with the specifications about those fields (datatype, length, required, check tables) directly from the system metadata.

While viewing the Dataset Details, click tab Tables and Fields to display tables and columns that are used in migration of data.

Add a Dataset Table

View the following page by navigating to Catalog > Dataset Design from Syniti Migrate Home page.

The user may add a table within the Tables panel of the Tables and Fields page by clicking Add  icon. A list of available tables that are part of the Datasource selected within the Dataset Details are provided.  By adding a table, this action simultaneously imports to the Columns panel all of the associated fields of that table for that target system. From within the Tables and Fields page, the user may edit the table and columns details.

Each time a new table is added to the Tables and Fields page from the Datasource designated in the details of the dataset, the same table and all fields are added to the Migration page. The Key Fields are toggled active for Key Field Flag and Data Element Active automatically, and they are the only fields automatically added to the Data Elements page. 


The Syniti migration fields (Ex: ZLEGACYField, ZDEPLOY, ZSOURCE, ZACTIVE, ZCRITICAL) are not present on the Tables and Fields tab. These fields are added only to the Migration tab tables after the Dataset is imported to a Mappings page for a Release. Tables and Fields tab does not contain the Syniti Migrate fields. Only the Migration tab stores these fields.

Within the Tables and Fields page, the user may now toggle field Data Element Active to active or inactive - This action sets the field relevancy for mapping of data as well as adding that field to the Data Elements page.

Dataset Design: Add Tables and Fields

The table must first be identified within the data source of the Target System. Please refer to section: Datasources > Adding & Editing Tables to import the desired Target table to the Datasource so that it can be added to a Dataset.

The Tables panel displays the following fields:




Sequence of the dataset tables. Value increases by factor of 10 for each new entry. (Required)


Name of the dataset table.


The description of the dataset table.


Toggle to set status of the Dataset table for future-state design mapping and migration.


Defaults as Active.

The Fields panel displays the following fields:




The name of the field.


The description of the field.

Key Field Flag

Toggle to indicate if this field is a Key Field.


The Datasource from which the fields are pulled. The system is defined in Deploy as a Datasource. Ex: ECC.

Technical Table

The target table name if one is associated to this field.

Technical Column

The target column name if one is associated to this field.

Technical Field

The full field name including application, table, field name.

Data Type

Select from the drop-down the Data Type of this field.


This field may be configured for additional values. For more details, navigate to Administer > Advanced > Dataset Types.

Field Type

The Field Type as defined in the drop-down list including Optional, Required, Process Required, Derived, and Display. See additional section below.


This field is List Box configurable within Administer > Advanced > List Boxes.

Business Impact

This value is pulled from the Data Element Type should one be assigned as a business impact.  Ex: Critical, Medium, Low


The length of the field in an integer value.

Check Table

The associated table within the target system that provides a list of values for selection should one exist for this field.

Data Element Active

Toggle to mark this field as active for mapping and Data Element use. 

Data Types within the Dataset

Data Types vary depending upon the Working Database used and the Target System used.  In the most basic situation, where SQL Server is the Working Database, and SAP ECC or S4H is the Target System, the Data Types for the Tables and Fields and Data Elements tabs are set to the Target System (ECC, S4H) Example:  CHAR, DATS, or NUMC. 

The Migration tab contains Data Types for the Working Database being used. For example, the user can view Data Types as:


Data Types



SQL Server




Edit a Dataset Table

To edit a Table, click on the Edit  icon on the left side of the row you want to edit. A window displays, and the data details can be edited, as shown below. The Sync Fields  icon when clicked pulls in any new fields added to the table from Datasources to sync the fields to the Dataset.

Dataset Design: Edit Dataset Tables


Description of Use


Table name. (Required)


Sequence of the Tables. Value increases by factor of 10 for each new entry. (Required)

Short Name

Enter a 1 to 3 character name to identify the table. This assists in shortening long table names or removing special characters for builds in .


Toggle to make the table Active/Inactive.


Defaults as Active.

Load Program

Text field to store the Load Program name for PMO Dashboard Metrics calculation.  If the field is filled = 100%, and it left empty = 0%


The Sync Fields Icon - The user may click on the Sync Fields  icon to pull from the target table new fields that have been added within SQL database, and then imported to the Datasource table within Datasources section of Migration. Refer to section Removing or Adding Fields for Mapping for details of adding fields to the Migration.

When finished with edits, click the Save  icon to complete.

Delete a Dataset Table

Although the Dataset Table Panel provides a Delete button, it is important to only delete a table that has not yet been mapped. The Active toggle marks the table as Inactive and prevent users from adding to the Mappings. This way history of this table may be stored in the system.

However, in the event that a Dataset Table was added in error and if it has not yet generated ETL tasks, it may be removed by clicking the Delete icon for the table in panel Tables in the Dataset Details page.

Dataset Details: Delete a Table

A warning message displays 'Are you sure you want to Delete?' Select OK to proceed or CANCEL to exit this action. If the table in this dataset has been mapped to a target source within Mappings and the ETL tasks have been auto generated for this table, an Error message displays to indicate that this table may not be deleted.

Dataset Details: Delete a Table: Error for Existing ETL Tasks


If the table has not yet built out the ETL processes for the mappings, the action for deletion will complete as expected. If the situation is that this table was added in error and should not be a part of the mappings for the object, the user may delete the target source from the Mappings page which will also delete all of the ETL Tasks associated for that target. This action opens the Dataset Table for deletion without issues.

Add a Dataset Field/Data Element

There is no Add button for the Fields panel of the Tables and Fields tab of a Dataset.  All of the relevant columns of a table of a Target System is imported as part of the Add Table process.  However, there are situations where additional fields are added to the target system and they need to be added to the Dataset. Refer to section Removing or Adding Fields for Mapping for details of adding fields to the Migration.

Edit a Dataset Field/Data Element

To edit a Field, click on the Edit  icon on the left side of the row you want to edit. A page opens to maintain Data Element Details as shown below.

Dataset Design: Edit Data Element Details

The details of this page are fully defined within the section Maintain Data Elements Tab. Once the data has been entered and saved this newly added data element or field displays in the list for this table.

When finished with edits, click the Save  icon to complete.

Delete a Dataset Field/Data Element

Although the Dataset Element Panel provides a button for Delete, it is important to only delete a Data Element that has not yet been Mapped. The Active toggle marks the Data Element as Inactive and prevent users from adding to the Mappings. This way history of this Data Element may be stored in the system. Refer to section Removing or Adding Fields for Mapping for details of removing fields from the Migration.

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