September 2021
  • 27 Mar 2024
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September 2021

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Article summary


Bug Fix

[KYB-3139]-Fixed an issue that prevented Viewer users from interacting with the Data Set page, as in they could access the page, but could not click tabs, the Guidance panel, etc.


Bug Fix

[KYB-2509]-Fixed an issue where you were unable to search on already related fields by system, as in, the fields did not display in the Find Fields by System list box on the asset detail page.


Bug Fix

[KYB-3057]-Fixed an issue that prevented you from editing the Program Name from the Strategy list box if the Program Name was longer than the width of the list box. Despite the length of the Program Name, you are now able to edit it for Strategy.



  • The validation message that displays when an incomplete URL is entered for the Supporting Documentation field has been improved for clarity; it now prompts the user to enter a complete URL, including either http:// or https:// in the address.

  • We now default the Locale to English on the About Me page. You can update this setting and select a different language at any time.

  • We made a few improvements to the UI to create a more readable and cohesive look and feel:

    • Replaced the X icon with a trash can icon for supporting documentation links

    • Updated the font weight to 400 on the asset detail pages

    • Standardized the borders on the Guidance panel

Bug Fix

[KYB-2965]-Changing a user's email address in Admin caused issues with logging in under the new email address. Therefore, the email address on a user's account can no longer be changed. This change only applies to non-SSO tenants; SSO tenants were never able to change their email addresses.



To improve the performance of our dashboards, and to make life easier for site administrators, we've added some awesome new features to our Sites page, including:

  • The ability to designate one or more sites as sources for a migration dashboard

  • The ability to delete sites

  • The collection of usage metrics for sites to improve insights and allow for better management of sites by their administrators

For more information, refer to Add a Site.


New Feature: Suggested Terms and Relationships

We have removed suggestions from the Guidance panel and replaced it with improved functionality. After an asset is published, you can view suggestions for new relationships and terms based on that new asset. The Knowledge Tier suggests a relationship between assets, examining the language used in describing an asset. For example, the Knowledge Tier analyzes the definition of a term for language that has previously been used in a rule to create a suggested relationship between the two. The suggested relationship is automatically displayed on the asset detail pages for both term and rule. You can then create a new relationship based on the suggestion, selecting the relationship type to complete the task.

The Knowledge Tier also suggests new terms by mining published assets for nouns. After an asset is published, each identified noun in the designated fields is checked against the tenant's list of terms. If the noun is not yet a term, the Knowledge Tier suggests it on that asset's Terms tab of the asset detail page, and you can add it as a new term.

The Knowledge uses the following fields as a source of new terms.

  • Term: Name, Definition, Additional Information

  • Rule: Statement, Implication

  • Policy: Title, Definition, Purpose

For more information, refer to Suggested Relationships and Terms.

Bug Fixes

  • [KYB-2210]-Fixed an issue that allowed you to enter only spaces as a supporting document title, which prevented the link from displaying or being clickable in the supporting documentation list. You are now unable to add supporting documentation without a title.

  • [KYB-2719]-Fixed an issue where removing text from a Term's Additional Information field and then saving the changes resulted in partial removal of the text. Now, when Terms are saved, the Additional Information field reflects updates made to the text as expected.

  • [KYB-2887]-Resolved an issue on Policy asset detail pages where sending a Policy for review and endorsing it to set it to a published state caused the rich text field to display as HTML scripting. With this fix, the text displays in rich text format in a read-only state for the In Review and Published statuses.


Bug Fix

[KYB-2500]-Fixed an error that caused the page to hang when an asset was sent for review, contested and then sent for review again. You can now send an asset for review after being contested as expected.

What's Next
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Eddy AI, facilitating knowledge discovery through conversational intelligence