  • 27 Jan 2025
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Article summary

Workflows can contain one or more tasks that are either executed in parallel or based on completion of a dependent task. Orchestrate supports the following task types:

  • Data Quality Report—enables one or more Data Quality Reports (i.e. implementations) to be executed. You can select which DQ Report to run based on a specific associated rule, subject area, term or business process.

  • Replication—runs a replication as a part of the workflow. This allows you to move data from one point to another as a part of the workflow.

  • SQL Command—runs a SQL command on the data as part of the workflow.

  • Step Process—allows you to choose a Step created on the Steps page to run as a part of the workflow.

  • SQL with Global Address Validation—runs SQL queries through the Melissa Global Address Validation service to validate data records and insert the validated records into a database table.

  • Syniti Connect Process—runs individual published Syniti Connect (i.e. Boomi) processes as part of a workflow.

  • Match Job—runs a Match job as a part of the workflow.

  • Email Notification—allows you to use an email template to send an email notification as part of the workflow.

  • ETL Job—runs an ETL Job configured in the Migrate module as part of the workflow.

Once a task is added, it displays in the Tasks grid. Multiple tasks can be added and then adjustments can be made to the order the tasks run. In this grid, you can:

  • View basic task information, such as:

    • Type—The task type selected when the task was created.

    • Name—When a task is created, the task Name is autogenerated based on data selected for the task type and can be adjusted or edited.

    • Parameters—Click the View Parameters link to view additional information pertaining to the task.

    • Dependencies—Set a task to run only when another task has completed by selecting the task it is dependent on from the Dependencies list box. A task can only be dependent on a task that is set to run before it and appears on the list above the current task.

    • Continue on Failure—This determines whether or not the workflow continues to run should this specific task fail.

  • Adjust the order tasks run by clicking the move task icon and dragging the task to the desired place

  • Edit a task

  • Remove a task

Data Quality Task Type

The Data Quality task enables one or more DQ Reports to be executed. You can select which reports to run based on a specific associated rule, subject area, term or business process.


Data quality reports depend on two settings that affect how these reports are included in workflows. The Roll Up Data Quality Score check box is on the Create Enforcement or Edit Enforcement page. The Include in Data Quality toggle is on the Create Implementation or Edit Implementation page.


If you choose to run reports associated with a specific rule, you are able to further reduce the scope of selected reports based on either Systems of Enforcement or Enforcements.

If choosing to filter by Systems of Enforcement, you can select either:

  • all systems or

  • one or more systems associated with the selected rule from the Systems list box.

If choosing to filter by Enforcements, you can select either:

  • all enforcements or

  • one or more enforcements associated with the selected rule from the Enforcements list box.

Additionally, you can choose to exclude reports that are associated with enforcements that have the Rollup Data Quality Score check box unchecked and reports that have the Include in Data Quality toggle set to off.


By excluding these types of reports, the tasks will only execute the reports visible on the rule’s Data Quality tab.

Subject Area

If you choose to run reports associated with a specific subject area, you are able to further reduce the scope of selected reports based on Systems of Enforcement. You can either select All Systems or select one or more systems assigned to enforcements that are related to the chosen subject area from the Systems list box.

Additionally, you can choose to exclude reports that are associated with enforcements that have Rollup Data Quality Score check box unchecked and reports that have the Include in Data Quality toggle set to off.


By excluding these types of reports, the tasks will only execute the reports visible on the business process Data Quality tab.


If you choose to run reports associated with a specific term, you are able to further reduce the scope of selected implementations based on systems of enforcement. You can either select All Systems or select one or more systems assigned to enforcements that are related to the selected term from the Systems list box.

Additionally, you can choose to exclude reports that are associated with enforcements that have Rollup Data Quality Score check box unchecked and reports that have the Include in Data Quality toggle set to off.


By excluding these types of reports, the tasks will only execute the reports visible on the term’s Data Quality tab.

Business Process

If you choose to run implementations associated with a specific business process, you are able to further reduce the scope of selected reports based on Systems of Enforcement. You can either select All Systems or select one or more systems assigned to enforcements that are related to the chosen business process from the Systems list box.

Additionally, you can choose to exclude reports that are associated with enforcements that have Rollup Data Quality Score check box unchecked and reports that have the Include in Data Quality toggle set to off.


By excluding these types of reports, the tasks will only execute the reports visible on the business process Data Quality tab.

Replication Task Type

The replication task type runs a replication as a part of the workflow. This allows you to move data from one point to another. An additional task (of any task type) can then be run on that data after it has been moved.

SQL Task Type

The SQL task type allows you to run a stored procedure or SQL command on the data to transform the data as desired. When creating a SQL task type, select the following:

  • System—The data catalog asset against which the task will run.

  • Connection—The database on which the SQL query will run. Connections provide the connection properties or string required to connect to the related system for specific usages.

  • SKP Connector—The Syniti component that allows the Syniti Knowledge Platform to communicate with systems in your landscape.

Step Task Type

Steps are reusable workflows that can only be executed within a parent Workflow. This approach centralizes shared logic, avoiding duplication, and making workflow maintenance simpler and more efficient.

The step task type allows you to choose a step created on the Steps page to run as a part of the workflow. With Step tasks, you can combine multiple tasks to run as a single step in a workflow. This simplifies the process of creating dependencies on a workflow. Refer to Steps for more information on Orchestrate Steps.

Global Address Validation Task Type

The Global Address Validation task type allows you to run SQL queries through the Melissa Global Address Validation service to validate data records and insert the validated records into a database table.

To set the Syniti Knowledge Platform up to use this service, Melissa configuration must be added to the tenant that is using the service. To set up these parameters:

  1. Select Admin from the Home menu.

  2. Select Orchestrate from the left navigation menu.

  3. Click the Edit icon on the Orchestration Parameters card.

  4. Enter the Melissa Global Address Validation service information. It is recommended that the following values are used:

    • Melissa API Base—http://address.melissadata.net/V3/WEB/GlobalAddress

    • Melissa Customer ID—Email mdprovisioning@Syniti.com to obtain a Melissa customer account


      The Melissa Customer ID is hidden for security purposes. Once saved, the value is stored in the database and can be updated at any time by editing the Orchestrate parameters.

    • Melissa API Timeout Seconds—30

    • Melissa Max Request Records—99

  5. Click Save.

When creating an Orchestrate workflow that uses a Global Address Validation task, provide the following key information:

  • Select SQL Statement—This statement selects data from a table that contains address data to be validated and maps it to the input columns of the Melissa Global Address service via the naming of the columns. Refer to the Input Fields section in the Melissa Global Address Quickstart Guide for details on the input field.

  • Insert SQL Statement—This statement returns the response from the Melissa Global Address service and inserts it into an appropriate response table. Refer to the Input Fields section in the Melissa Global Address Quickstart Guide for details on the service output fields.


The fields to be inserted into the response tables must be prefixed with : (colon) to indicate that data is coming from an internal Orchestrate variable. For example:

INSERT INTO dbo.ttAddressResponse (
	:AddressLine1	)

Refer to Quickstart Implementation of Global Address Validation in the Syniti Support knowledge base for more information on creating a Global Address Validation task.

Syniti Connect Task Type

The Syniti Connect task type allows you to run individual published Boomi processes as part of a workflow from the Syniti Knowledge Platform. This task type corresponds with the following Syniti modules:

  • Syniti Migrate—Pull data from a separate application (for example, Salesforce, D.U.N.S., or a separate cloud application) into the working databases to support the migration process and provide additional attributes for the data, further classify the data, and/or extract data for reconciliation purposes.

  • Quality—Stage data from a separate application, such as SuccessFactors, to run data quality rules against the cloud application source data. This allows you to update the target application with remediated data that has been collated in Construct to support the Data Quality initiative.

  • Construct—Enrich data on a record by running an event to update the record with external application data and trigger a notification to an external messaging tool, i.e., Microsoft Teams or Slack.

To use this task type, a Boomi (Syniti Connect) connection type must be set up in the system Connections. This allows for the registration of the Boomi account(s). Refer to Create a Connection for more details.

To add a Syniti Connect task type:

  1. Select the Boomi connection (Boomi Account) from the Connection list box.

  2. Select the Boomi Atom to be used to execute the selected Boomi Process from the Atom list box.


    All available Atoms are available for selection, including those that are offline.

  1. Select the Boomi Process to execute from the Process list box.


    By default, only the first 100 processes associated with the selected Boomi connection display. If your process is not found, use the list box search feature.


    When selecting a combination of Atom and Process, you must ensure the selected Process is deployed to the selected Atom. If the Process is not deployed to the Atom, the Process fails to execute.

  2. Optionally, make any desired adjustments to the task Name. The task Name is autogenerated based on the selected Process.

  3. Enter a Description for the task.

  4. Click the Save button to save the task and return to the Create Workflow or Edit Workflow page.


    Click the Save & add another button to save the task to the workflow and remain on the Add Task page to add another task.

Email Task Type

The email task enables you to send email notifications as part of a workflow, making it a flexible task for communicating updates or alerts as a workflow progresses. This task is defined using a custom email template, allowing users to set both the subject and body of the email. Within this template, variables can be inserted, which will be dynamically replaced during execution.

The TO, CC, and BCC variables will be automatically added to the workflow. Enter a user’s email address or a comma-separated list of email addresses for multiple recipients in these variables. For any of these email address fields, you can use the user’s principal ID, a user group ID, or an email address.


The email address must be a valid email address registered in the SKP for your tenant. Multiple recipients can be entered in a comma separated list.

  • To copy the user’s principal ID, click Profile > Your Name in the SKP.

  • To copy a user group ID, access Admin > User Group, select the intended user group, and then copy the user group ID from your browser’s URL.

When an email task is executed, the variables in the template extracts values from corresponding workflow variables, enabling customized content and recipients for each execution. This process ensures that each email sent, aligns with the workflow’s current state and context.

To use this task type, you must create a custom email template in the Admin module, which allows you to select a template while adding the Email task type. Refer to Email Templates for more information.

Execute ETL Task Type

The Execute ETL task allows you to execute an ETL Job configured in the Migrate module as part of a workflow, opening up a wide range of possibilities for data migration, quality, and governance use cases. Select the required ETL Job and its corresponding ETL Type to add this task type to the workflow.

By combining the Execute ETL task with other task types, you can design robust, automated workflows that address complex data processing needs, enhancing efficiency and ensuring data is accurate, trustworthy, and compliant.

Refer to ETL Jobs and Execution of the ETL Jobs List for more information on configuring an ETL Job in the Migrate module.

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