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Configure Assets for Data Quality
At a high level, for the data quality score to roll up across assets, perform the following tasks:
Add a rule and choose the subject area.
To that rule, add an enforcement on the Enforcements tab with the Roll Up Data Quality Score check box checked.
To that enforcement, add an implementation on the Implementations tab with the Include in Data Quality toggle set to on.
Assign business processes to the rule for the data quality score calculations to roll up to the business processes.
Assign business concepts/terms to the rule for the data quality score calculations to roll up to the business concepts/terms.
Run an implementation to view the data quality scores and the reports with the failed data.
Add a Rule for Data Quality
On the Create Rule page, consult the field help and page help for additional details about adding a rule. Refer to How to Use SKP Help for more information.
To add a data quality rule in the Knowledge Platform:
Click the + icon and select Rule.
Enter the statement the rule must meet in the Statement field.
You can use the Syntax Score to evaluate your rule’s effectiveness based on format, type, and range. It provides a percentage-based score that refreshes when you update the Statement. This is an optional feature. Refer to the page-level help for detailed information.
Enter the results of what happens if the rule fails in the Implication field.
Select an option from the Subject Area list box, which categorizes the rule for easier management and reporting.
Select an option from the Data Quality Score Thresholds list box, which sets the values for normal, critical, and warning levels around data quality scores. These values trigger notifications to alert Owners and SMEs when data quality drops below a certain level for this asset. Refer to Data Quality Score Thresholds for more information.
Select an Owner to receive notifications about data quality score changes for this asset. Refer to Notifications for more information.
Select a Subject Matter Expert(s), users who are responsible for defining the asset, and who also receive notifications. Refer to Notifications for more information.
Click Save.
Add an Enforcement to a Rule
On the Create Enforcement page, consult the field help and page help for additional details about adding an enforcement. Refer to How to Use SKP Help for more information.
Enforcements are created as part of a rule and are not standalone.
To add an enforcement to a rule:
Access the rule to add the enforcement.
Click the Enforcements tab.
Click the Create Enforcement button.
Enter the enforcement name in the Name field.
This name appears across the data quality pages in the Syniti Knowledge Platform, so make it short but distinctive.
Enter detailed information about the rule requirements in the Specification field. This information should provide the Implementers with enough information to write implementation queries.
Select the enforcement type in the Type list box.
If you select Data Quality, any implementation added to this enforcement will have the Method of Syniti Cloud DQ and use the same system, connection, and SKP Connector as the enforcement.
Select the business priority for enforcing this rule in the Priority list box.
Select the status of the enforcement’s development in the Status list box.
Select the System where the rule is to be enforced.
This system must be configured in the Syniti Knowledge Platform with a connection with a Usage of Data Quality. Refer to Set the Usage of a Connection for more information.
Check the Roll Up Data Quality Score check box to set that the average data quality score of all of the enforcement’s implementations will roll up to rules, business processes and business concepts. Refer to How the Data Quality Score Rolls Up Across Assets for more information.
Select a user in the Requester list box, if another user than yourself is the contact for this request.
Select a user in the Implementer list box who is responsible for writing the queries in the associated implementation(s).
Click Save.
Add an Implementation to an Enforcement
On the Create Implementation page, consult the field help and page help for additional details about adding an implementation. Refer to How to Use SKP Help for more information.
Implementations are part of enforcements and are not standalone.
If this implementation is based on an enforcement that uses the Type Data Quality, the implementation has the Method Syniti Cloud DQ set automatically. Additionally, the system, its connection with a Usage of Data Quality, along with its associated SKP Connector, is used by default. If the system has multiple connections with the Data Quality Usage, the first connection is used by default.
The system must have a connection with a Usage of Data Quality to be used for purposes of data quality. Refer to Set the Usage of a Connection for more information.
To add an implementation to an enforcement:
Access the rule with the enforcement.
Click the Enforcements tab.
Click the ID of the enforcement where the implementation is to be added.
Click the Implementations tab.
Click the Create implementation button.
Enter a name in the Name field.
This name appears on all data quality pages across the Syniti Knowledge Platform. Make it short but distinctive.
If this implementation is not based on an enforcement of TypeData Quality, select:
Method—Syniti Cloud DQ
System—System where rule is implemented
Connection—Connection with a Usage of Data Quality
SKP Connector—Associated SKP Connector for the connection
By default, the Include in Data Quality toggle is set to on, which configures the average data quality score of this implementation to roll up to other assets. Refer to How the Data Quality Score Rolls Up Across Assets for more information. If necessary, set it to off.
If a data store exists in admin, the Save Report toggle displays and is set to on by default. If necessary, set it to off. Refer to View Data on Reports for more information.
Select a user from the Implementer list box.
This user receives notifications regarding this asset’s status. Refer to Notifications for more information.
Select a user from the Notify on Failure list box.
This user receives notifications when this implementation's execution fails.
Click Save.
Write a Query in Standard Mode
Select a Query dataset that has already been built so that it will work with data quality. A Query dataset can be reused, saving time and effort and ensuring consistency.
The dataset can only contain columns from a single system that has been associated with the implementation (through the enforcement). Additionally, the dataset must already have a query defined.
After you select the dataset from the Dataset (Opportunity) list box, the query associated with the dataset displays in the Opportunity Query pane, which you can hide or show as needed. If no datasets are available in the Dataset (Opportunity) list box, add one using the Query Builder.
To preview the results of the dataset query:
Select the dataset in the Dataset (Opportunity) list box.
Add all report columns in the Report Columns list box.
Do not add the Error Query.
Click the Test Query button.
After selecting the dataset, all of the dataset’s columns display as options in the Report Column list box. Select them to define the scope of records that the rule applies to.
Select the Error Condition. Values are:
Custom (Manual)—Uses Advanced Mode to write custom queries in SQL and S4 HANA.
Default Value—Creates a script that is used to populate the value in the Value field into the Column For Error Condition columns.
Not Blank / NULL—Creates a script that is used to check that the columns in the Column For Error Condition do not contain blank or NULL values.
Numerical Range—Creates a script that is used to check for columns in the Column For Error Condition that fall between the range entered in the From and To fields.
Value Greater Than—Creates a script that is used to check for columns in the Column For Error Condition that are greater than the integer entered in the Value Greater Than field.
Value Less Than—Creates a script that is used to check for columns in the Column For Error Condition that are less than the integer entered in the Value Less Than field.
The Syniti Knowledge Platform validates that the WHERE clause is included, and if you attempt to save a query without a ”WHERE,“ it is added. The WHERE clause is automatically added to your Error Query, which includes the dataset name, report columns and your error condition, for example:
You can test each query separately. The results display in the Top Results box.
Write a query in Advanced Mode
You can add a custom Opportunity Query and a custom Error Query to create the implementation. Each query can be tested separately, but they cannot be tested together.
Since Data Quality can execute on different database platforms, the syntax of the code entered must be compatible with the underlying database it’s running against (currently MS SQL Server and SAP HANA).
To maintain efficient system performance, parameters in Admin control the number of records returned from a data quality query and the number of records saved in a data store. They can be set on the Admin Parameters page.
Assign a Business Process and Business Concept to a Rule
When a business process or business concept is assigned to a rule, data quality scores from the latest run of the rule’s associated implementations roll up to that asset.
To assign one, or multiple, business processes or business concepts to a rule:
Search for the rule to update and access it.
On the Rule Detail page, click the Edit asset icon.
Select a business process(es) from the Business Process(es) list box, indicating that the average data quality score of all of the rule’s associated implementations must roll up to the business process(es) data quality score.
Select a business concept(es) from the Business Concept(s) list box, indicating that the average data quality score of all of the rule’s associated implementations must roll up to the business concept(s) data quality score.
Click Save.
Run an Implementation
After this implementation has been created, you can run it by:
Clicking the Run now button on the Implementations Overview tab
Scheduling the implementation to run as part of a workflow on the asset’s Workflow tab.
Rules, business concepts and business processes have Workflow tabs that allow you to create workflows that run all, or some, of the implementations that are linked to the asset.
For example, if you choose to run implementations associated with a specific business process, you are able to further reduce the scope of selected implementations based on Systems of Enforcement. You can either select All Systems or select one of more systems assigned to enforcements that are related to the chosen business process from the Systems list box.
Additionally, you can choose to exclude implementations that are associated with enforcements that have the Rollup Data Quality Score check box unchecked and implementations that have the Include in Data Quality toggle set to off.
By excluding these types of implementations, the tasks will only execute the implementations visible on the asset’s Data Quality tab.
For more information refer to Workflows and the page level help for each asset’s Workflow tab.