ETL Tasks at the Source Level
  • 26 Mar 2024
  • 12 Minutes to read
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ETL Tasks at the Source Level

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Article Summary

This topic relates to the following sections:


ETL Jobs are accessed from all four levels of the Mappings page. Each ETL icon when clicked initially builds the job tasks and views and displays that level of the overall ETL Job with rows of Job Tasks linked together. View the following page by navigating to Migrate > Mappings on the Syniti Migrate Homepage. This section discusses the ETL Jobs from the level of Sources.



The source level ETL Jobs list contains a single row for each task of the working table conversion in the sequence they run. Each task contains an Action (Source Table Truncate, Source Table Insert, Source Xrefs, Update Rules, Target Table Delete, and Target Table Insert as examples) that performs against the view that is built within the database for that task. The tables used in these views are auto-generated as part of the mapping process. The system dynamically in real-time generates a procedure to run within the ETL Job. The system uses the View definition and rule Metadata to construct the same rule action. The views must contain columns aliased to match the target fields in the Affected Table such that all fields may be updated / deleted / inserted as expected. Any fields that do not match a field in the Affected Table is ignored.

The ETL Job at Source level contains these tasks which are performed as actions in Jobqueue steps:

  • Truncate removes all values and resets the working table.

  • Insert adds all rows of data from the srcDatasource to the working table for this object.

  • Update Rule auto generates from complex XREF Rules and Rules. (of type SQL or Procedure)

  • Source Xrefs perform the Insert and Update functions for XTVALUEMAP table. (all Insert and Update XREF rules store within)

  • Target Delete truncates the target table in groups of 10,000 records filtered by Datasource.

  • Target Insert inserts all relevant records from the working table.


ETL Job: Source Transform

The user ensures that the view is complete - the system auto generates each view as they are added as tasks, but they all must be completed and accurate for successful use. Execute either the entire source ETL job or each individual task.


In the case of an Update, Insert, or Delete rule, these may be run against any working database in the current server. The fields Affected Datasource and Affected Table designate the target of the rule and can apply to SQL Server, HANA DB, or Oracle DB systems. The views are stored in the Rule Datasource (working database of the object), however, they pull from a different or Affected Datasource (any other database of the same server).


The Breadcrumb path in the header links to higher levels of the ETL Job chain. The user may jump up from Source to Target or to the Dataset level details for ETL Tasks with a click on the task name.


Prior to working with ETL Job tasks at the source level, there are steps to prepare the system for using Syniti Migrate ETL. Refer to section Execution of the ETL Jobs for details of proper set up.

The ETL task for Xref Rules depends upon the table XTVALUEMAP which is stored within snapshot management Datasource SRCCONSTRUCT. This snapshot datasource must be built prior to the build of the ETL Tasks for the source level, or the system defaults a view that fails during the ETL Task run. Refer to section Add a CONSTRUCT Snapshot Datasource for details.

Source Transform

At this level, the source for the target may be run as one execute in the sequence of the task list, or the individual tasks may be run. Click the Execute icon within the header to run all tasks, or click on the Execute icon for the specific task. These lists contain many tasks, so to stop the ETL Job at a task, edit that task to provide active Debug. Refer to section Setting a Task for Debug for details.


Click the breadcrumb path to move to the linked page for the higher level of this ETL Job list.


ETL Job: Source Transform

Within header of this page there are Quick Use icons:




ETL Build

This icon generates build for ETL Tasks at this level 

View Mapping

Click to change pages to view the related mappings of this object


This icon adds a new task to the current Task Type


Refresh updates the page to the latest data


Allows for a search of the Tasks grid by Column


The execute icon in header processes the list of tasks in the sequence shown.

The ETL Job grid displays the following Columns:




Sequence of the tasks. Value increases by a factor of 10 for each new entry.


Toggle to set status of the task.


Defaults as Active.


The Execute icon runs the task in a job queue. See section Setting a Task for Debug.


The GUID for the ETL.


The description for the task.

Task Type

The type of task being run. Ex: RUN_ETL, Insert Rule, Update Rule, Stored Procedure, Refresh Snapshot Table


Action performed against the task (at Source level it provides details for the task).

Action Description

Provides the scripting of the task or rule name.


The target affected by the task.

Data Element

The field affected by the task.

Affected Object

The table affected by the task.


Provides a link to detailed comments for the task.

Record Count

Count of records affected by the last run.


Duration of the last run.

Status Message

If a step fails during the run, this field displays the error message for the failure.

Created By

The user who added the task.

Created On

The date/time the user added the task.


The database affected by the task.

Validation Status ID

Status of last run for the task.

ETL Tasks stored within Mappings

Within Edit Mappings, there are unlimited amounts of updates that may be made against each field. Once a Rule is saved, it displays in a grid for ETL Tasks for Mapping Rules page as shown below.


Mappings: ETL Tasks: Mapping Rules List

The ETL Rules grid displays the following Column Headers:




Toggle to mark the ETL Rule as Active/Inactive for use. NOTE: Defaults as active.


Indicates the Milestone for ETL Version Selected.


Name of the Stored Procedure used for this Rule.

Task Type

Describes the type of task being run. Ex: Rule, Source Truncate, Source XRef

Execution Method

Describes how the task is executed. Ex: PROCEDURE, REFRESH_POSTLOAD_REPORTS RUN_ETL_BY_ID

Record Count

Provides the count of rows affected by the task.


Provides the duration of the last execution of this task.

Status Message

Provides details of the status if the task is not executed successfully.

Add a Complex Rule

Refer to section ETL Tasks Add Complex Rule Manually for details of this process that works the same at all levels of the Mappings to include Release, Dataset, Target, and Source levels.

Edit a Complex Rule

A click on the Edit  icon provides a window to make changes to the Description, Comment or any of the fields within section Execution. The Active toggle may be updated from the grid.


ETL Job: Source Transform: Edit Task

Within the details for ETL Rules, the user may alter the field values as described below.




Task Details

Task Type

Describes the type of task being run. Ex: Rule, Source Truncate, Source XRef

Task Details

Rule Datasource

The datasource for this task.

Task Details

Rule View

The name of the view used for this task.

Task Details

Affected Datasource

Select from the drop down list the Datasource in which this ETL Rule reside.s

Task Details

Affected Table

The working table where this task is run.

Task Details

Mapping Field

The mapping field for this task.

Task Details

Timeout in Seconds

Provides a timeout override at the task level.

Task Details


Description of the task.

Task Details


Additional text to further describe the ETL Rule.

Task Details


Toggle to mark the ETL Rule as Active/Inactive for use.

Your title goes here

Your content goes here

NOTE: Defaults as active.

Task Details

Debug On

Toggle to mark this task active for Debug tracking. See section Setting Task for Debug.

Task Details


Sequence of the ETL Rule. Value increases by factor of 10 for each new entry.


Validation Status

System generated status for the ETL Rule.


Executed On

System generated date of the last execution of this ETL Rule.


Record Count

System generated count of the rows processed in this ETL Rule.



System generated duration of the last execution of this ETL Rule.


Status Message

System generated details of the status if the task is not executed successfully.

Related Objects

Interface Target

System generated target table name.

Related Objects

Interface Source

System generated src Datasource and Table.

Related Objects

Data Map

System generated Field name being mapped.



These fields are all display only and are updated by actions.

When finished with edits, click the Save  icon to complete.

Source Xref Rules

The ETL Job automatically generates a task called Source Xrefs within the Target Source ETL Job for all of the XREF rules. This includes every Xref and RuleXref mapping to provide an Update and Insert rule for each field mapped. As shown in the images below, there may be many rows of these automatically generated rules that build for each Active field that is set within Administer > Value Mapping Config for the Check Table as Active for Value Mapping. A prerequisite to this step is building the SRCCONSTRUCT snapshot datasource as it is required to store the XTVALUEMAP table.

In the case of the RuleXref, additional Complex Rules are added to the ETL Task list to populate the ZXREF_FIELDNAME prior to running through the Source Xref rules that INSERT to the XTVALUEMAP table all new pulled legacy values and then UPDATE within the Working Table all zXREF_FIELD values from the Target value in XTVALUEMAP table.


If Check Tables are flagged as not active for Value Mapping, then these rules do not automatically generate as part of the build process, and hide should the toggle change after they are built.


Mappings: Target Source ETL Job list: Source Xrefs

Click the Source Xrefs link to display the details page with a list of the current active mapped fields as Rule Xref or as Xref that promote the INSERT and UPDATE of values from Value Mapping.


Mappings: Target Source ETL Job list: Source Xrefs: Details

Click Edit  icon to view the details for running these rules. INSERT Rule - the Affected Datasource is always set to MIGRATE and the Affected table points to XTVALUEMAP.


Datasource MIGRATE is built within Catalog > Datsources and it points to the base database for the project within Syniti Migrate SQL Server. In this way, the Insert Rule passes these values into the Migration base database to the XTVALUEMAP table.


Source Xrefs: Edit Insert Rule Task

The tab for Rule DDL provides scripting of the Insert rule.


Source Xrefs: Edit Insert Rule Task: Rule DDL

Click Edit  icon to view the details for running the UPDATE Rule - the Affected Datasource are set to the Working database within Oracle DB, and the Affected Table is set to the Working table of this object.


Source Xrefs: Edit Update Rule Task


Source Xrefs: Edit Update Rule Task: Rule DDL

Complex Rule for Cross Database Insert

Refer to section Cross Database or Cross Server ETL Rules for Delete, Insert, or Update for Cross Reference rules that insert from one database to another as a Complex Rule.

Errors Generated by the ETL Job Tasks

Once the ETL Job queue has been started, the system validates each row of tasks for required details such as whether the view or table exists in the database. In this example, a rule has not been set up in the database but is referenced within a job task. If the user clicks OK, the ETL Job remains inactive.


Mappings: Run ETL: Job Fails Error Message

The link in the above message opens the Debug Log for this job queue and the message displays the issue. The working table is not yet created for this mapping.


Debug Log: Job Fails Messaging

As the ETL Job Tasks execute, the Validation Status ID updates as Complete, Error, or Unknown. In the case where a task is marked as not active, the status will show as Unknown. The Jobqueue Steps tab displays each Step with a link to the Debug Log for details of the step processing.


Mappings: Run ETL: Jobqueue Steps tab

Click the Debug Log icon to view the details of that tasks processing.


Mappings: Run ETL: Jobqueue Steps tab: Debug Log

Setting Task for Debug

In a source that contains hundreds of tasks that run as the ETL Job, setting a task for Debug is very helpful. The ETL Job can complete the steps prior to the task set for debug, and stops at the task set for debug to allow for review of the table data and updates made to that point. This is set at the task level. Click the Edit icon for the task that marks the review as Debug active. Any task type may be set as Debug active.


ETL Job: Source Transform: Edit Task

This toggle remains active until it is set to inactive. To process the ETL Job with an active Debug indicator, click the Execute icon from within the header bar to process the entire source. A warning message requests response. In this case, select Continue With Breakpoint to ensure the job stops at the debug task.

A new job queue is created and the ETL Job processes to the breakpoint. The user validates the rules and updates to this point. Once ready, click the CONTINUE JOB  button to proceed to the next breakpoint or end of tasks. Each time the job completes, it sends the user an email confirmation of job status.


ETL Job: Source Transform: Execute with breakpoint

A warning message to continue from the debug step must be confirmed with OK to proceed.

The job continues through from the last stop. The job is requeued.


ETL Job: Source Transform: Continue Job

The ETL Job either stops at the next Debug, fails, or in this case, completes as expected.

Execute the ETL Job at the Source Level

Refer to section Migrate > Mappings > Migration ETL Job > Execution of the ETL Jobs List for details of this process.

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