  • 02 Apr 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Article Summary

Initiatives are S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-focused and Time-bound), descriptive plans to implement the objectives and projects that must be completed to achieve each goal. These projects should guide employee’s typical, daily labor so that it upholds the company’s or program’s mission. Initiatives are the vehicles that achieve goals and turn the program and company visions into reality.

Initiatives can be added at the program and company levels. Program-level initiatives should be aligned with the company-level Initiatives they support, as well as with associated program and company-level goals.

Create an Initiative at the Company Level

Organizations have multiple opportunities and problems that need attention. Initiatives can help you consider project candidates and then prioritize and allocate resources for the projects that are deemed essential in a strategy’s successful implementation.

Typically, initiatives are not single-silo projects. Often, they activate cross-functional competencies and aim at closing a performance gap. When you create initiatives, keep in mind the leap that the organization wants to make, i.e., the gap that is being closed.

To create an initiative at the company level:

  1. Verify you’re in the Catalog module of the Syniti Knowledge Platform.


    Select Catalog from the Home menu to navigate to the Catalog module of the Syniti Knowledge Platform.

  2. Click the Create asset icon on the Site menu.

  3. Select Initiative.

  4. When adding the initiative, select Company from the Level list box.

For details about a specific field, hover over the Help icon.

For more information about initiatives, click the Page help icon on the Site menu.

Create an Initiative at the Program Level

To create an initiative at the program level:

  1. Verify you’re in the Catalog module of the Syniti Knowledge Platform.


    Select Catalog from the Home menu to navigate to the Catalog module of the Syniti Knowledge Platform.

  2. Click the Create asset icon on the Site menu.

  3. Select Initiative.

  4. When adding the initiative, select Program from the Level list box.

For details about a specific field, hover over the Help icon.

For more information about initiatives, click the Page help icon on the Site menu.

Initiatives assist program managers to plan and implement the interdepartmental projects that support the program’s goals. Program managers can link different steps of the related processes and data-related assets to track progress and formalize accountability across the different working parts of the organization.

Company Leaders Need to Know:

  • How does the initiative contribute to the success of the program?

  • How does the initiative contribute to the success of the related company initiatives?

  • Why is the initiative the best way to achieve the program’s success?

  • Who is accountable for the data-related assets associated with the initiative?

Data Stewards Need to Know:

  • How does work on this Initiative contribute to the program and to the company?

  • What other teams, data stewards, and SMEs must collaborate to accomplish the initiative?

  • How does this work fit into existing workloads and processes?

By providing corporate leadership and data stewards with the information they need to understand a program’s scope and impact, initiatives help build a cohesive culture dedicated to supporting and implementing that program.

Edit an Initiative

To edit an initiative:

  1. Search for and open the asset.

  2. Click the More actions icon in the upper right.

  3. Select Edit.

For details about a specific field, hover over the Help icon.

For more information about initiatives, click the Page help icon on the Site menu.

Delete an Initiative

To delete an initiative:

  1. Search for and open the asset.

  2. Click the More actions icon in the upper right.

  3. Select Delete.

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