  • 14 Nov 2024
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Article summary

This topic contains the following sections:

About Data Mapping

Data Mapping consists of identifying the relevant and in-scope source data to be moved into the target system, identifying gaps in the data, establishing rules for moving the data, and creating the missing data.

Mapping Overview

At the start of each Milestone, a snapshot of the legacy source data is ingested into a source database on the migration server. This snapshot allows the migration team to process the ETL rules repeatedly on the static source without changing that data, and without impacting the legacy source systems directly. The elements (fields) are mapped from the legacy source tables to the target tables during this process to form repeatable translations of data.

The migration team uses rules to transform the data inside a working database to populate the target table. The working database table metadata is the same format as required by the Target System.

Validation reports allow the business users to validate the data before it is finally loaded into the Target System for testing. After each load cycle, the results are reviewed against the design, defects are created, and the process of development begins again for the next Milestone.

Rules and Tasks specific for Database other than SQL Server

Refer to the section The Data Migration Process for details of working in a database that is not same as the Migration SQL Server.

In some cases, the project uses SAP HANA DB or Oracle DB or may even enforce using a different Client held SQL Server for the working database. For example, Syniti Migrate is stored in SQL Server, however, the data resides in a different Database. The Data Migration Process provides sections for:

Prerequisites for Mappings

Dependencies on Datasource Setup

Before creating mappings from a database source table to the target table, the Datasources for the source and target systems must be created. There may be more than one legacy system used in the process of building the future-state design.

Mappings: Sources panel

Dependencies on Project Setup

On the Mappings multi-panel page, the Releases panel displays those Releases that were added and are active in the Project Setup process. Active Datasets from the Dataset Design process can then be assigned to the Releases based upon associated Subject Area. The panels for Releases and Datasets do not allow for adding new entries because this data is promoted by Project Setup and Dataset Design.

Mappings: Releases panel

Dependencies on Dataset Design

In the Mappings multi-panel page, the Datasets panel provides the active Subject Areas and Datasets and the Targets panel provides the active target tables assigned in Dataset Design to the Dataset. Below are two areas in the Mappings page that are dependent on Dataset Design.

Mappings page

Users & Roles in Data Mapping



Developer (Dataset)

The dataset owner responsible for the functional design of the Dataset during the current release.

Developer (Datasource)

The primary developer responsible for the build of the ETL process and the load of the Dataset data.

Alt Developer (Data Source)

The alternate developer which can assist with the Dataset ETL development if the primary developer is unavailable.

Mapper (Data Source)

The user responsible for the creating and maintaining Source-Table-Field mappings.

ETL Processing within Syniti Migrate

Should the project select the ETL Tool as Syniti Migrate within the any of the Releases within Project Setup, the Mappings page for that Release build the mappings of the object as well as building and execution of the rules and reports as an internal ETL Tool set. Refer to section Migrate > Project Setup for details of the steps.

Migrate: Project Setup: Edit Release: Set the ETL Tool

Within Administer > Setup > Parameters, a default ETL Tool is assigned as well. However, each Release overrides this default for the ETL Tool selection.

Parameters: ETL Tool

In this image of the Mappings page, notice that the ETL  icon displays within each section of the Mappings page. It contains the tasks and jobqueue steps of that section, and may be run through each section or at the Release level for all objects contained and actively setup. Refer to section Migrate > ETL Jobs for more details of this process. Should the project select the ETL Tool as SAP Data Services, these ETL icons are not visible on Mappings page.

Mappings: ETL Tool: Syniti Migrate

Working in Mappings

View the following page by navigating to Migrate > Mappings from the Syniti Migrate Homepage.


If the Release has been assigned ETL Tool as Syniti Migrate within pathway Migrate > Project Setup, then this page displays additional columns for ETL and allow for processing conversion of data for the Release / Dataset / Target / Source from within the Syniti Migrate system.


This page includes four panels - Releases, Datasets, Targets and Sources.




Project Release created during the Project Setup process. See Migrate > Project Setup for details.


Datasets that are relevant to the Release - Subject Area created in Dataset Design process. See Catalog > Dataset Design > Create & Maintain Datasets for details.


Target tables created during the Dataset Design process. These tables include mapping opportunities defined in Dataset Design process as well. See Catalog > Dataset Design > Maintain Tables and Fields for details.


Source system tables imported during the Datasource creation process. See Catalog > Datasources for details.

As an example of this process:

The Releases and Datasets Panels determine the scope of the release. For example, "Release One" of a project may include on master data Datasets, "Articles" and "Business Partners", while "Release Two" may include "Inventory" and "Pricing" Datasets. Dataset are imported individually base on the scope and requirements of the Project Release.

The Tables and Source panels determine how each dataset is mapped from one or more legacy sources. Source tables are added and associated to Target Tables for enabling the field mappings for those active target fields.

Refer to section Migrate > Copy a Release for details of outcome of this process on the Mapping process.

Active VS Inactive

Marking Dataset as Not Active

The Mappings page performs as a Hierarchy to the mapping process. If the user should mark a Dataset as Inactive using the toggle for Active switch, the downstream activity is hidden. In the example below, Dataset has been marked as not Active, and all Targets and Target Sources are now hidden from view. If the user changes toggle back to Active for a Dataset, then all downstream activity is again be visible.


A warning message displays once toggle is changed ' Change the Dataset to Inactive?'  User must click on OK to proceed.

Mappings: Dataset toggle set to not Active

Mark a Target Not Active

If the user should mark a Target as Inactive using the toggle for Active switch, the downstream activity becomes hidden. In the example below, Target has been marked as not Active, and all Target Sources are now hidden from view. If the user changes toggle back to Active for a Target, then all downstream activity is again visible.


A warning message displays once toggle is changed ' Change the Target to Inactive?'  User must click OK to proceed, or CANCEL to quit the process.

Mappings: Target toggle set to not Active

Mark a Target Source Not Active

If the user should mark a Target Source as Inactive using the toggle for Active switch, the access for ETL and Mapping is hidden. The two icons that provide links to the pages become inactive for use. In the example below, Target Source has been marked as not Active, and both the Mapping icon and the ETL icon are now inactive. If the user changes toggle back to Active for a Target, then this activity is again accessible.


A warning message displays once toggle is changed ' Change the Source to Inactive?'  User must click OK to proceed.

Mappings: Target Source toggle set to not Active

Refer to section Importing Datasets into Mapping for subsequent steps in this process.

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