User Groups
  • 22 Mar 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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User Groups

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Article Summary

User groups are a collection of users who perform similar tasks in the Syniti Knowledge Platform. Users gain access to features and functionality through their assignment to a user group, which is assigned to one or more roles. Refer to Roles for more information.

The Syniti Knowledge Platformis delivered with a set of user groups. Users can also create custom user groups. Depending on specific business requirements, any number of groups can be created.

Users assigned to a role with the Maintain User Groups feature activated can add and edit user groups.

Create a User Group

To create a new user group:

  1. Verify you’re in the Admin module of the Syniti Knowledge Platform.
    Select Admin from the Profile menu to navigate to the Admin module of the Syniti Knowledge Platform.

  2. Click User Groups in the Admin menu.

  3. Click the Create user group button.

For details about a specific field, hover over the Help icon.

For more information about user groups, click the Page help icon on the Site menu.

Edit a User Group

User groups can be edited to change the name and description. Editing a user group has no impact on the associated users or the role(s) assigned to the user group.

To edit a user group:

  1. Verify you’re in the Admin module of the Syniti Knowledge Platform.
    Select Admin from the Profile menu to navigate to the Admin module of the Syniti Knowledge Platform.

  2. Click User Groups in the Admin menu.

  3. Click the Edit group icon.

For details about a specific field, hover over the Help icon.

For more information about user groups, click the Page help icon on the Site menu.

Delete a User Group

User groups can be deleted at any time. However, care should be taken when deleting a user group as all the users assigned to the user group will lose functionality of the roles with which the user group was defined. The ability to work with the features that were granted by the user group will be lost.


Any change made to a user group has an immediate effect on the associated users, even if the users are already logged in to the platform.

To delete a user group:

  1. Verify you’re in the Admin module of the Syniti Knowledge Platform.
    Select Admin from the Profile menu to navigate to the Admin module of the Syniti Knowledge Platform.

  2. Click User Groups in the Admin menu.

  3. Click the Delete group icon.

For details about a specific field, hover over the Help icon.

For more information about user groups, click the Page help icon on the Site menu.

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