Reviewing Match Results
  • 09 Aug 2024
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Reviewing Match Results

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Article summary


After a Match job has been executed, potential matches must be processed to select and confirm the master, subordinate, and duplicate records within a match group. Records incorrectly identified within a group can also be identified and either assigned to a different group or treated as individual records for downstream processing. This logic is used for both party and non-party data matching. For example, this process is used when supporting migration processing into SAP S/4 HANA where both customer and vendor deduplication, along with business partner harmonization, are required when moving from the old SAP ECC Customer and Vendor model to the new BP model supported in the S/4 HANA. Non-party data matching can also be processed through this logic for materials, assets, equipment, etc.

Group Records

A group record is the list of potential record matches from the Match job execution. The following information for each group record displays in the Group Records grid:

  • Group ID—The ID of the record group, derived from the identified master record of the group. The Group ID does not change even if a new master record is identified for the record group.

  • Records Count—The number of records within the record group. This includes the master record.

  • Match Base Score—The cumulative match score of the compared records.

  • Status—The status of the record group, either:

    • For Review—Record groups that have been identified as a match, but have not yet been reviewed.

    • In Progress—Record groups that are actively being reviewed.

    • Re-review—Record groups that have been reviewed, marked as resolved, and then as unapproved. The record group needs to be reviewed again and appropriately processed and approved.

All other record information displayed in the grid is derived from the record file.

Reviewing Group Records

Records are reviewed and processed by potential matching groups. Click the Group ID in the grid on the For Review tab to display the grouped records and begin reviewing and processing those records.

The record Count, Status, and Match Group Base Score display above the grid for a quick overview of the records being reviewed. In the grid, the master record and identified potential matches are denoted with the Master and Match statuses, respectively. The ID column displays each record’s unique ID, and the Level column displays the potential match level.

In Match, a match level refers to a specific set of criteria used to determine how records are compared and matched within the data-matching process. These criteria define the conditions under which records are considered duplicates or related entries.

Match levels are configurable and can be tailored to the specific needs of a data-matching task, such as identifying duplicate individuals, families, businesses, or custom entities.

Each match level is associated with a set of rules and weights that define how different data fields (such as name, address, postcode, etc.) contribute to the overall match score. The match score is then used to classify the match as sure, likely, possible, or unlikely, based on the thresholds set for each level.

For example, common match levels might include:

  • Individual—Used for matching individual contacts, considering data such as name, address, and postcode.

  • Family—Used for matching family members at a property, considering data like last name, address, and postcode.

  • Address—Used for matching properties only, focusing on addresses and postcodes.

  • Business—Used for matching individual companies, considering data such as company name, address, and postcode.

  • Custom—Used for any other type of matching that cannot be achieved with the predefined levels.

To process the match group, use the action icons in the Actions column. The following actions can be taken on each record with a Match status:

  • Set as Master—Use this action to set the selected record as the master record for the group. When selected, the previously identified record is automatically updated to a status of Match, and the newly identified master record is moved to the top of the record group in the grid.


    The record group retains the Group ID associated with the originally identified master record, regardless of the ID of the newly identified master record.

  • Unmatch—This action removes the record as a potential match from the record group. The record is moved from the group and placed as a single record in the For Review list. Unmatch records in bulk by checking the box to the left of the records on the grid and clicking the Unmatch button in the Quick Actions toolbar.

  • Move to Group—This action allows you to move the record to an existing group, or group with any unique record to create a new Match Group. Refer to Moving Records to a New Group below for more information.

Once all necessary actions have been taken on the record group, click the Approve group button to move the group to the Approved tab. Alternatively, click the Skip group button to skip the processing of this group and immediately move on to the next record group for review without navigating back to the list of Match groups on the For Review tab.

Moving Records to a New Group

When a record is selected to move to a new record group, the Move to Group window displays.

On this window, select a field from the list box to search for a new group. Then, choose Contains, Equal To, or Starts with from the qualified list box, and enter the data to be searched in the value field. Click the Search button to display records containing the information entered.

The records that match the search criteria display in the grid at the bottom of the window, along with the basic information for that record. Select the desired record from the grid, then click the Confirm button to move the record to the new group.

Approved Records

Records that have been reviewed and approved from the For Review tab are moved to the Approved tab.

Only the master record displays in the grid, but the entire record group can be viewed by clicking the ID in the Group ID column.

Records can be unapproved from this page by clicking the Unapprove button at the top of the page, or from the main Approved tab by clicking the Unapprove button in the Actions column. Unapprove records in bulk by marking the checkbox to the left of the record, then clicking the Unapprove button in the Quick Actions toolbar. Once records have been marked as unapproved, they are moved back to the For Review tab with a status of Re-review.

Unique Records

Records without identified matches are displayed on the Unique Records tab.

These records can be reviewed and, if needed, moved to a new group individually by using the Move to group icon in the Actions column or in bulk by marking the checkboxes to the left of the desired records and clicking the Move to group button in the Quick Actions toolbar. Refer to Moving Records to a New Group for more information.

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