Match Job Settings
  • 03 Jan 2025
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Match Job Settings

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Article summary


A multitude of specifications are available to help define a Match job. These can all be set when creating a Match job; most can be edited as needed after the Match job is saved. This article outlines the specifications that can be set or edited on a Match job. The specifications that cannot be edited after the initial save of the Match job are also outlined.


When creating a Match job, select the datasource from which the Match job receives its data. This is considered the master dataset. Choose from one of the following options:

Select Match Job

To create a datasource from an existing Match job, click the Select Match job button. The Select Job as a Source Reference dialog box displays, allowing you to select an existing Match job. Once the desired Match job is selected, click the Confirm button. The selected Match job can be changed later if necessary, but it is important to ensure the schema of the new datasource matches the schema of the current datasource.

Create from File

To create a datasource from a prepared .txt file, select the Create from File button. The Create Datasource from File dialog box displays with the following requirements:

  • Datasource Name—Enter a meaningful name for the datasource. This is a required field.

  • File Header—Toggle this option to the On position if the file contains a header row.

  • Text Qualified—Toggle this option to the On position if the file contains Double Quotes around some fields.

  • Delimiter—Only tab-delimited is currently supported.

  • Encoding—Only UTF-8 is currently supported.

  • Select a File—Drag and drop a file here or choose Browse to select a file. Only one file can be uploaded and the file must be in .txt format.

Once the necessary information is entered, select the Confirm button to retain the datasource file and requirements chosen for the Match job. This file cannot be edited after the initial save of the Match job.

Select from System

To choose a datasource from a Syniti Knowledge Platform system, choose the Select from System button. The Select from Source dialog box displays with the following requirements:

  • Datasource Name—Enter a meaningful name for the datasource.

  • System—Select a system set up in the Syniti Knowledge Platform Data Catalog. The system must have a connection with a Usage set to Match to use the system as the datasource on the Match job. Otherwise, a Connection cannot be selected and the datasource cannot be confirmed.

  • Connection—Select the connection related to the selected system. If a selected system has a connection with a Usage set to Match, the connection(s) display in this list box. Otherwise, a connection cannot be selected and the datasource cannot be confirmed.

Once a system and connection are selected, use the grid that displays below the list boxes to choose the desired table or view.  Once selected, press the Confirm button to close the dialog and import the data.

Match Overlap

The Match overlap option provides the ability to match one dataset against another where the field structure may differ between the two datasets being matched.

When two datasources are used on a Match job, matching records that intersect two sources of data are identified. For example, you may want to identify contacts to be suppressed from a mailing list, update contacts’ details, or merge new contacts into a master table. In this case, you must turn on the Match Overlap toggle.

When the Match Overlap toggle is turned on, an option displays allowing you to choose an Overlap Dataset. These options are identical to the options for the Master Dataset. Refer to Select Match Job, Create from File, and Select from System above for more information.

Fields Mapping

Field Mappings are used by the matching engine to understand the type of data in each source field.  For address data, choose USA, UK, or Other from the Nationality list box. The data in the Input Field Type section displays once a Datasource has been identified as outlined in the previous section. The Source Field is derived directly from the source data, while the Field Type is the suggested mapping for the respective Source Field. You can review these suggested mappings and manually update a Field Type mapping as needed.

You must indicate one field as the unique identifier (key field) for the record by selecting the Is Unique checkbox. There can only be one unique identifier, so a surrogate key (GUID, identify field, concatenated field, etc.) may be required if a dataset does not have a single key field.

Select the Include for Match checkbox to determine each field to include in matching.


To ensure the accuracy of the Match job, it is crucial to verify the Field Type is correct based on the type of data in the field for each field marked Include for Match.

Select the Must Match checkbox to mark a field that must be identical for the records to be returned as a match. For example, you can flag COUNTRY as Must Match to prevent US records from being grouped with CA records, even if every other field is an exact match.

Refer to Basic Mapping Columns for a list of suggested Field Type mappings.

Standard Settings

The Standard Setting section provides basic settings for the Match job configuration. The following settings are required in order to save the Match job:

  • Match Level—an is automatically selected based on the column types mapped. However, the selection can be manually changed to any of the following options:

    • Individual—for matching individual contacts, considering available data including name, address and postcode

    • Name Only—for only matching contacts’ names

    • Family—for matching family members at a property, considering available data including last name, address and postcode

    • Address—for matching properties only (addresses and postcodes; names are not used)

    • Business—for matching individual companies, considering available data including company name, address, and postcode

    • Company Only—for only matching companies’ names

  • Match Method—indicates the type of matching required and largely determines what keys are defined. Matching automatically chooses the most appropriate matching method based on the column types mapped.

  • Volume—gives an indication of the number of records being processed.

  • Tightness—controls how strict the matching should be.

  • Business Tightness—controls how strict the company name matching should be.

Connection for Result Export

Choose a system connection from the Connection list box for viewing results. Only SQL Server connections with a usage type of Matching and a database populated are available.

This connection will be used to export the Match results into database tables for use by Data Migration, Data Quality, or other downstream processes.  

Each type of result will be saved into a new table that is named after the Match Job ID and the result type.  

User Security

From the Security Profile list box, select a security profile to define which user groups and roles have access to the Match job. Only the security profiles on which a user is set as a manager are available in the list box to be selected. If the desired security profile does not exist, click the + Add profile button to create a new security profile to apply to the Match job. This allows you to create a security profile directly from the Create Match Job or Edit Match Job page without navigating to the Admin module. The users with Match review privileges on the associated security profile(s) display as Reviewers on the Match job Overview page.

Refer to Security Profiles for more information on how to manage security profiles.


User Security is intended to be used for sensitive data to limit the visibility and access to a specific Match job to a defined set of users.

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