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SKP Connector Requirements and Installation
This article contains Installation steps for the Syniti Knowledge Platform Connector.
Installation Overview and Requirements
The Syniti Knowledge Platform Connector runs on Linux-based architectures and is installed and maintained using standard package management capabilities.
Distribution | Notes |
Redhat Enterprise Linux 8.7 - 8.9 and 9.2 - 9.5 | With versions 9.2 and above, Wireguard is included in the Kernel. If upgrading from an earlier version of the SKP Connector on the 8.x operating system versions, please use the syniti_install_rhel8.sh install script. If installing on the 9.2 or above operating system version please use the syniti_install_rhel9.sh install script. |
Oracle Linux 8.7 - 8.9, 9.2 and 9.3 | SAP does not officially support Oracle Linux and therefore the SAP metadata scanning may not operate fully on an Oracle Linux server.
With versions 9.2 and above, Wireguard is included in the Kernel. If upgrading from an earlier version of the SKP Connector on the 8.x operating system versions, please use the syniti_install_oracle8.sh install script. If installing on the 9.2 or above operating system version please use the syniti_install_oracle9.sh install script. |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4 — SP6 | If upgrading from an earlier release of the SKP Connector an update to the python package repository may be required. Upgrade details are produced by the prerequisites check of the installer. |
Ubuntu 22.04 | SAP does not officially support RFC connectivity via Ubuntu and therefore the SAP metadata scanning may not operate fully on an Ubuntu server. If upgrading from an earlier version of the SKP Connector please update the operating system to 22.04 before commencing the upgrade of the Connector. |
Web Traffic
This is a list of common URLs to allowlist on any networks that are used for installation or upgrade of the Syniti Knowledge Platform. Refer to Web Traffic for a complete list.
Syniti does not host third-party components that are required for a unique environment.
The following list of URLs are split into two sections. The first section includes the URLs required for the normal operations of the SKP Connector. The second section includes the URLs required only for the installation and configuration of the SKP Connector.
Normal operations
The following URLs are dependent on the region of the tenant deployment. Only one is required. Please check the tenant domain and add the respective URL.
Installation and configuration
For installing Wireguard on RHEL 8.x and Oracle Linux 8.x:
All operating systems:
https://www.wireguard.com/install/ (Wireguard tools only on all latest versions of the supported operating systems. Wireguard install itself required for RHEL8 and Oracle Linux8.)
https://*.boomi.com (optional if deploying Syniti Connect / Boomi)
Hardware Specifications
The following minimum hardware requirements are recommended for the Syniti Knowledge Platform Connector and all associated services. Only Intel/AMD-based processors are supported.
4 core CPU
If you are using Match, additional CPU/RAM is required. Refer to Requirements for more information.
50GB Disk
125MB/s Disk Throughput
Software Prerequisites
The latest installation process checks all necessary prerequisites for the Syniti Knowledge Platform Connector and associated services. In the latest OS versions supported by the SKP Connector, the Wireguard prerequisite is part of the OS kernel.
Wireguard and WireguardTools (https://www.wireguard.com/install/) are required for the Syniti Knowledge Platform Connector machine. The install scripts check for their existence before continuing.
Additionally, the installation process checks for the following prerequisites:
Wireguard and the corresponding Wireguard Tools
Network Checker
Python3 version (required >= 3.8, <= 3.10)
Oracle Instant Client
If any of the components above are not found, the installation user will be presented with the commands required to resolve the dependencies along with instructions on the order that they should be executed prior to a reboot and rerun of the installation script.
Network Traffic
The Syniti Knowledge Platform Connector initiates communication by sending traffic out to the Syniti Cloud using the following ports and protocols:
TCP port 443: the Syniti Knowledge Platform Connector requests configuration details from the Syniti Cloud using HTTP over TLS (OUTBOUND only).
UDP port 51820: the Syniti Knowledge Platform Connector initiates a Wireguard tunnel to the Syniti Cloud (OUTBOUND)
IP v6 must be enabled on the server.
Static IPs
The Syniti Knowledge Platform Connector uses static IPs. Refer to Web Traffic in the online help for more information.
Customers MUST allowlist the Syniti IPs listed in Web Traffic for inbound traffic.
Data Center | Static IPs |
US |
EU |
CA |
Install the SKP Connector
`sudo` access is required on the Linux machine in order to install the SKP Connector.
To install the SKP Connector:
Download the appropriate script for your operating system: Knowledge Platform Connector - Download
Move the script to the machine where you want to install the Syniti Knowledge Platform Connector. Make note of the folder; it will be used again in the installation process.
Run the script as sudo with: sudo bash <install_script> <flags>
When installing the SKP Connector, the script takes in a required parameter, which depends on your client's region:
Use this parameter if your tenant domain ends with .com, as this indicates an installation in the US.
Europe (Germany)
Use this parameter if your tenant domain ends with .eu.
APJ (Australia)
Use this parameter if your tenant domain ends with .au, as this indicates an installation in the APJ region.
Use this parameter if your tenant domain ends with .ca, as this indicates an installation in Canada.
For example, this command installs the Syniti Knowledge Platform Connector and associated services pointing back to a tenant running in the US: sudo bash syniti_install_ubuntu -u If you do not pass in a flag or pass in an incorrect flag, the script returns a message and guides you to use the proper command.
This location refers to your tenant’s region, not the region in which your SKP Connector is installed.
To update this value, refer to the instructions in the section Reconfigure SKP Connector Services.
When running the installation script for the first time it will check that all prerequisites are present on the machine. If any prerequisites are missing then the installation script will output the commands to execute as an output of the initial execution. The installation user should copy those commands out to a text document / editor so that they can run each of the individual steps in the order specified prior to a reboot and then running the installation script for a second time.
Example output from initial script execution:
One or more pre-requisites are missing. Please follow the :
- Please run the following commands to install all the missing requirements:
- sudo yum install wireguard-tools nmap unzip libaio java-11-openjdk -y
- Please run the following command to install Oracle Instant Client in the proper folder:
curl https://download.oracle.com/otn_software/linux/instantclient/216000/instantclient-basic-linux.x64- --output instantclient-basic-linux.x64-
sudo mkdir -p /opt/oracle
sudo unzip instantclient-basic-linux.x64- -d /opt/oracle/
rm instantclient-basic-linux.x64-
sudo rm -rf /opt/oracle/instantclient
sudo mv /opt/oracle/instantclient_21_6 /opt/oracle/instantclient
Once complete, please REBOOT the server and then rerun this script with [sudo bash syiti_install_rhel.sh]
The final step of the script displays the Public Key of the SKP Connector. Copy this string of characters for registration in the Syniti Knowledge Platform.
Install the SAP Java Connector (JCo)
The SAP NetWeaver scanner relies on SAP's Java Connector (JCo).
To install the JCo:
Verify you have a valid SAP account.
Access https://support.sap.com/en/product/connectors/jco.html.
Scroll to the download section of the page.
Click the Processor link for Linux for Intel compatible processors.
Once downloaded, unzip the package and copy the sapjco3.jar and libsapjco3.so files, and then paste them into the /opt/apps/syniti-agent/scanners/lib/ directory on the Syniti Knowledge Platform Connector server.
If you are connecting via an SAP Message Server, then you are required to edit the services file located in the /etc/ location on the SKP Connector server, adding an entry for the SAP Message Server in the format sapms<SYSID> 36<Instance No>/tcp.
For example: sapmsAB1 3612/tcp, where AB1 is the SYSID for the SAP system and 12 is the Instance number.
Register the SKP Connector in the Syniti Knowledge Platform
To register the SKP Connector:
Verify you have Administrator permissions in the Syniti Knowledge Platform.
Click the user avatar in the top right corner.
Click Admin in the dropdown menu.
Click SKP Connectors on the left.
Click Register SKP connector.
Enter a name for the connector in the Name field.
Name the SKP Connector with enough information to provide troubleshooting later such as the IP address or other identifying information.
Paste the public key value from the server where the SKP Connector is installed in the Public Key field.
Click Save.
Click Confirm.
Click SKP Connectors on the left to go back to the Connectors page.
Locate the connector you just created and click the Test connection button to test the connection you just saved.
It may take up to 60 seconds for the initial connection to be established so if the test connection fails, please try again after a couple of minutes. A successful test is confirmed with a green check in a green circle in the Last Test Result column.