Subject Areas
  • 16 Aug 2024
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Subject Areas

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Article summary


A subject area provides a method for categorizing rules, datasets, and business processes in the Syniti Knowledge Platform’s (SKP) Data Catalog module. This module allows for easier management of Data Catalog features broken down by subject area. Every rule and business process in the Data Catalog must belong to a subject area. Subject areas are optional for datasets. These assets can be properly reviewed and managed from the subject area landing page.

These subject areas are generally organized by a company’s logical structures, such as human resources, finance, sales, warehouse, and manufacturing.

Subject Areas page

Subject areas can be created by clicking Create subject area on the Subject Areas page. Refer to Managing Subject Areas for details on creating and managing subject areas.

Use the Search field on this page to search the collection of subject areas by Name. Each subject area card displays basic information such as Name, Description, Owner, number of associated assets, and overall Data Quality Score.

Overview Tab

Subject area Overview page

Subject area details are displayed on the subject area’s Overview tab. To access this page, click a subject area from the subject area landing page.

The overview tab provides a more comprehensive view of the subject area details, including the description, security profile, external references, comments, associated users, associated attributes, and overall Data Quality Score. The Data Quality Score is derived from the reports associated with the assets belonging to the subject area. Refer to the sections below for more information.

Business Processes Tab

Subject area Business Processes page

When a business process asset is created, selecting a subject area is required. This action allows for each business process to be categorized into a specific subject area so business processes can be more easily referenced and managed. For example, all business processes relating to the Human Resources department may need to have specific security access applied. A Security Profile can be applied to the Human Resources subject area, which associates those Security Profile restrictions with all the business processes associated with the subject area if no other security profile exists on the business process. This eliminates the need to apply the Security Profile to each business process individually.


If a security profile already exists on a business process, precedence goes to the existing security profile.

Refer to Security Profiles for more details on how to use and manage Security Profiles.

Each business process associated with a subject area is found on the subject area Business Processes tab. From this tab, you can:

  • Use the Search field to search by the business process Name.

  • Click on the business process ID in the grid to access the business process details page.

  • Create a new business process for the subject area by clicking the Create business process button.

Datasets Tab

Subject area Datasets page

When a dataset asset is created, a subject area can be selected but is not required. This action allows for each dataset to be categorized into a specific subject area so datasets can be more easily referenced and managed. For example, all datasets relating to the Human Resources department may need to have specific security access applied. A Security Profile can be applied to the Human Resources subject area, which in turn associates those Security Profile restrictions to all the datasets associated with the subject area if no other security profile exists on the dataset. This eliminates the need to apply the Security Profile to each dataset individually.


If a security profile already exists on a dataset, precedence goes to the existing security profile.

Refer to Security Profiles for more details on how to use and manage Security Profiles.

Each dataset associated with a subject area is found on the subject area Datasets tab. From this tab, you can:

  • Use the Search field to search by the dataset Name.

  • Click on the dataset ID in the grid to access the dataset details page.

  • Create a dataset process for the subject area by clicking the Create dataset button.

Rules Tab

Subject area Rules page

When a rule asset is created, the selection of a subject area is required. This action allows for each rule to be categorized into a specific subject area so rules can be more easily referenced and managed. For example, all rules relating to the Human Resources department may need to have specific security access applied. A Security Profile can be applied to the Human Resources subject area, which in turn associates those Security Profile restrictions to all the rules associated with the subject area. This eliminates the need to apply the Security Profile to each rule individually. Refer to Security Profiles for more details on how to use and manage Security Profiles.

Each rule associated with a subject area is found on the subject area Rules tab. From this tab, you can:

  • Use the Search field to search by the rule Statement.

  • Click on the rule Name in the grid to access the rule details page.

  • Create a new rule for the subject area by clicking the Create rule button.

Reports Tab

Subject area Reports page

The subject area Reports tab displays a list of all Data Quality reports associated with the rules belonging to the subject area. This provides a comprehensive overview of the report details that roll up into the overall Data Quality Score for the subject area. From this page, you can:

  • Review basic report details like Data Quality Score, Status, Errors, run times, and Workflow Count.

  • Access the rule the report belongs to by clicking the link in the Rule column.

  • Access the system the report belongs to by clicking the link in the System column.

  • Access the implementation the report belongs to by clicking the link in the Implementation column.

  • View the report by clicking the View Report icon.

  • Download the report by clicking the Download Report icon.

  • Subscribe to a report summary by clicking the Subscribe icon at the top of the page. Refer to the Subscribing to Reports section for information.

To customize the grid on this page, hover over a column heading and click on the Sort icon that displays to the right of the header. Then, choose the column settings to be applied and the columns to be included in the grid. The selected settings are remembered per user.

Subscribing to Reports

Daily and weekly summaries of reports related to subject areas are available to users with access to subject areas. This summary of reports eliminates the need for users to access the subject area’s Reports tab regularly to analyze the status of the reports associated with that subject area. The summary includes the top 10 reports by lowest Data Quality Score for rules associated with the subject area.

You can subscribe to a daily or weekly report summary by clicking the Subscribe icon at the top of any subject area’s Overview page. An email notification including the report details will be delivered to the email address associated with your user account on a designated basis.

Subscribe to a subject area report

If you want to unsubscribe to the report, click the Subscribe icon again and then select Unsubscribe.

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