Promote a Page in a WebApp
  • 05 Jul 2024
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Promote a Page in a WebApp

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The Page Promotion feature extends the Copy Page functionality of a Dynamic type construct page in a WebApp that allows you to have multiple target versions of a construct page in the same or different WebApp.

If the target construct page doesn’t exist yet, the Page Promotion process creates a new page (target construct page) with all data object dependents from the Configure Objects dialog box in the target WebApp. This functionality is the same as the Copy Page, except a record remains on the Page Promotion page so that future updates can be pushed to the same target construct page.

If the source construct page has been promoted before, then this process performs the following actions:

  • The records on the target construct page will have most of the field values updated based on the values configured for the source construct page. Fields that represent values specific to the target WebApp (for example, Vertical Menu) will not be updated.

  • WebApp Group assignments for the target construct page will not be updated unless the Groups option is selected from the Configure Objects dialog box.

  • All other items, such as Columns, Event, Translations, and so on, will be dropped and re-inserted.

  • The Page Promotion process attempts to preserve the List Allow Insert Page and Link To Page values assigned to the target’s Page Columns.


A warning displays if a column has a Link To Page or List Allow Insert Page configured on the source, and those pages have not yet been promoted to the same target WebApp.


  • The Page Promotion page of a source construct page lists different page promotion configurations available for promotion.

  • Syniti recommends configuring one page promotion per construct page to maintain different versions of a construct page configured as per your business workflow. Based on the below example, you can configure Page Promotion from the development version to a Quality Assurance (QA) version, and then from the QA version to a Load or Production version.

For example, a WebApp Designer works on designing a construct page of a WebApp in a Development version. The same construct page can be promoted to a QA version, where a Business User performs tasks related to data enrichment or construction on the approved construct page design. Additionally, this construct page can be promoted from the QA version to a Load or Production version of the WebApp, where only the approved dataset on the approved construct page design is available for Data Migration or Master Data Management purposes.

Refer to Page Promotion for more information on the description of each field on the Page Promotion page.


  • Ensure that you have registered the required datasources for different versions of the WebApp in the Syniti Knowledge Platform’s (SKP) Data Catalog module and Construct.

  • Ensure that the required target WebApps are available in Construct.

  • Ensure that you have configured the identified datasources in Migrate > Snapshot Management.

Promote a Page

Page Promotion involves the following two workflows:

  1. Configure a Target Construct Page for Page Promotion

  2. Promote Data Objects to the Target Construct Page

Configure a Target Construct Page for Page Promotion

  1. In Construct, access System Administration > WebApps. The WebApps and its associated construct pages are displayed in the WebApps and Pages panel, respectively.

  2. In the WebApps panel, select the required WebApp.

  3. In the Pages panel, select the required construct page and click the Vertical Menu icon. The Vertical view of the construct page is displayed.

  4. Access the Advanced Properties tab and click the Promote button. The Page Promotion page of the selected construct page is displayed.


    • If this construct page is already configured for page promotion, a list of target WebApps with its associated construct page is displayed. If not, proceed with Step 5.

    • If you want to promote data object changes, refer to the Promote Data Objects to the Target Construct Page section for more information.

  5. From the Target WebApp ID list, select a required target WebApp, enter the name of the target construct page, and then click Save. Refer to Page Design Overview for general information.

  6. Click the Configure Objects icon. The Configure Objects dialog box displays.

  7. Select the required objects that you want to promote to the target construct page, and then close the Configure Objects dialog box.


    Groups should only be selected if the page is being promoted within the same WebApp.

  8. Click the Promote button to initially copy the page with all data object dependents. The Page Promotion job is executed, and the Promoted On and Promoted By fields are populated for audit purposes.

  9. Access the target construct page and click the Vertical Menu icon. The Vertical view of the target construct page is displayed.

  10. Click Edit, select the vertical menu of your target WebApp from the Vertical Menu ID list, and then click Save.

  11. Access the target WebApp, click the Menus icon, and then click the Menus Link icon. The Menu Links page of the target WebApp is displayed.

  12. Click Add, register your target construct page in your target WebApp, and then click Save.

    Page and Menu changes may require clearing the site cache.

  13. Access your target WebApp and select the target construct page. The target construct page displays.

The target construct page with all data object dependents is configured successfully and available for page promotion.

Promote Data Objects to the Target Construct Page

  1. In the SKP, access the Migrate module and click Migrate > Working DB Object Promotion.

  2. In the Select Datasources section, select the source WebApp’s datasource and the target WebApp’s datasource.

  3. Turn on the Selected toggle button to select the required object types that you want to compare and move to the target WebApp’s datasource.

  4. Click Start Comparison to run the comparison job of the data objects.

  5. Compare the object definition in both the datasources and click Start Promotion to push the data objects to the target WebApp’s datasource. Refer to Working DB Object Promotion for more information.

  6. In the SKP, select the Construct module and access the source construct page’s Vertical view.

  7. Access the Advanced Properties tab and click the Promote button. The Page Promotion page of the selected construct page is displayed.

  8. Click Promote to promote the data objects to the target construct page.

  9. Access your target WebApp and select the target construct page. The target construct page displays.

The data objects from the source construct page are promoted to the target construct page successfully.

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