Data Catalog and Data Quality
  • 09 Dec 2024
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Data Catalog and Data Quality

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A resource, such as subject area, dataset, systems, rules, or policies—that provides value to an organization through its role in storing, processing, managing, or securing data. Assets support an organization’s ability to derive insights, make decisions, ensure compliance, and maintain operational efficiency.


Business Concepts

Terms related to the rules being implemented or supported.

Business Processes

An asset in the Catalog module used to organize and align workstreams. They can be defined and assigned to the rules that support them. For example, Procure To Pay.


Critical Data Element

A toggle button while creating a term that specifies a term as critical, indicating its higher priority compared to non-critical terms.


Defines the importance of the policy, used to drive review cycles or to clarify groups of policies with the policy type.


Data Quality Reports

Reports offering insights into data quality across different assets, categorized by subject areas.

Data Quality Score Threshold

Defines acceptable, warning and critical levels for an asset's data quality.


An asset in the Catalog module that an be a subset of a single System or span Systems and tie the generic business-focused documentation of terms, policies and rules to where the data is stored. A business process could create a Dataset. For example, Vendor Master General Data.


A datastore represents a set of data, typically a database, schema, or an API connection, within a system.


Dictionaries translate technical columns in data quality reports into user-friendly business names  in their desired language and use their own business terms for technical fields displayed.



The process of ensuring data asset compliance with rules, policies, and standards through monitoring, auditing, and corrective actions if deviations occur in the Data Quality Score.

Error Query

An SQL or HANA query that filters the Opportunity Query to identify records violating a rule, used as the numerator in Data Quality score calculations



An asset in the Catalog module that defines the moving parts of program and company intentions aligned with organizational strategies. Goals articulate clear business terms to ensure the execution of strategies and demonstrate measurable results. For example, Billing Accuracy 99.9% such that we won't have revenue lost as per state and federal regulations.



Implementation is the process of putting a rule into action. Implementations are related to enforcements, which are related to rules.


The operational or financial consequences of not adhering to a policy or rule.


An asset in the Catalog module that are S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-focused and Time-bound), descriptive plans to implement the objectives and projects that must be completed to achieve each goal. Initiatives are the vehicles that achieve goals and turn the program and company visions into reality. For example, Be Data Driven


Linked Business Concepts

A unique list of Business Concepts or Terms assigned to rules within a specific business process.


Opportunity Query

An SQL or HANA query that retrieves the total number of records under evaluation for potential errors, used as the denominator in Data Quality score calculations.



An asset in the Catalog module providing guidance to employees for maintaining standards. Policies are not meant to dictate direct actions; rather, they help guide employees as they make decisions about the actions they take. For example, Asset names must follow the standard naming conventions defined for assets

Policy Type

A classification system for policies based on industry standards to ensure organized management.


Roll Up Data Quality Score

A checkbox while creating an enforcement for a rule that allows you to roll up the data quality score after implementation to all associated assets: enforcements, rules, business concepts (terms) and business processes.


An asset in the Catalog module used to assess data quality, ensure compliance, and verify task completion. Rules helps to evaluate data health and measure whether business requirements are met. For example, A customer must have a primary name



The process of ingesting metadata from a system into the Syniti Knowledge Platform, creating a single source of truth for metadata that exists throughout an organization’s enterprise architecture.

Statement Syntax Score

A percentage representing a statement's adherence to prescribed format, type, and range standards.

Subject Area

An asset in the Catalog module used to categorize rules, business processes, and datasets, enabling efficient management of the Data Catalog. For example, Inventory Management

Success Metric

A measurable benchmark that defines whether a goal has been achieved.


An asset in the Catalog module representing instances of applications, databases or reporting tools against which cataloging, scanning, profiling, replication or data quality related tasks are performed. For example, SAP HANA



Standardized, governance-related assets in the Catalog module designed to improve business understanding and usage of data. For example, Account Number that uniquely represents an account for a customer or sales prospect.

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